
Hi All ~

I just setup this blog so that I can keep track of my new adventure. A few months ago a revelation hit me about my life and where it was going. See, I'm a single mom (I know...I know...it's in the title how could you not know) of two awesome kids. I've worked since I was 16 with a few minor breaks here and there.

My current situation has me living at my parents house. Not necessarily a bad thing....but I'm in my 30's and I have my own idea of how I would like things such as how I do laundry or what my kids can or can't do that sometimes conflicts with my parents.

My problem....I don't make enough money to support myself and my two awesome kids. This got me thinking....with my mom wanting to retire within the next couple of years, what would happen to us? What would happen if something bad happened now? It's a pretty terrifying situation to be in..not knowing what your future holds if things were to go south. So, I started thinking of a plan. I already have my bachelors degree in IT, but it didn't seem to be enough to get me the job that I want...which is a Web Developer. I started doing some research. How could I get the job that I wanted? What I discovered was that there A LOT of options.

First up was the free options. Free Code Camp and The Odin Project. Both are excellent resources, but I have been working on them for a while now and didn't feel like I got anywhere. Part of the problem....there are so many things to learn and so little time. I also didn't feel like it was structured enough. The resources to get help were huge and kind of intimidating. I also felt like it was taking too long.

Next I started looking at bootcamps. Wow are they expensive. Who has $20k lying around to invest in that? Not me! But wait. There are bootcamps that offer a monthly fee instead of a full tuition. Hmmm...but can I afford it? I think I'm going to have to find a way to make it work.

I did some research and came up with a few choices. I narrowed it down further based on information gained in a facebook group Newbie Coder Warehouse. Awesome place to be if you are trying to figure things out. There are a lot of Free Code Camp members in there along with other more seasoned coders. I finally decided on Learn.co aka FlatIron School. I can do everything online, which is very appealing for me, the price is decent and I like their resources for getting help.

I started Learn's Intro to Ruby course and applied. I learned that I got accepted about 2 weeks ago and put in my notice at work right away. I got the ball rolling and started the program right away.


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