Why I decided to learn software development?

Oh man, what a loaded question! There are several reasons that I can think of right away. They include money, fame, prestidge. LOL Who am I kidding. Those aren't the reasons...ok well, maybe one of them is, but it isn't the first reason I decided to become a programmer...it's just a perk.

Computer knowledge/skills etc seem to be something that have been passed down from generation to generation in my family skipping a few people here and there. My grandfather taught computer classes. He was my first contact and helped foster my love of computers. I'm not quite sure how it started but I do remember sitting in his home office for hours watching him work. He bought games to help me with math and even bought my first video game for his computer. Every time I would visit, I got to play Duke Nukem and I loved every second of it. When my grandfather upgraded his computer, he gave his old one to my parents, who gave their old one to me. I learned DOS commands on it and  would be content to spend hours trying to navigate things...until the day I tried to figure out what FDISK does. Ooops....bye bye operating system. Thankfully that was a really long time ago.

I've grown up and with that came my thirst for solving problems. It is my favorite thing to do. I even find it amusing when someone says "That can't be done" because most of the time I will find a way to do it. It may not be the most efficient way, but it is something.

I want to learn software development because I love solving other people's problems. Technology is great at that for the most part. It allows people to have something that does things more efficiently, cheaper, faster, etc and I want to be the person that builds it. Software development allows me to use my tools in a way that won't get my arm sawed off or lose an eye (unless you count eye strain from staring at a computer) to create things and I find that fascinating.


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